Stop Procrastinating or Find a Work Around!

Oh my gosh! I swear I have no clue how people who procrastinate ever get ANYTHING in their lives in order!!

I’ve spent years giving my son ideas of how to work within his “procrastination” boundaries. I’d like to say it’s for his benefit but honestly, it’s for MY sanity! I want to be able to ask him to do something that I’ve gotta have done, and just know that it’s gonna happen within a day or so rather than a few months!

I date a guy that’s the same way… so maybe I’m a glutton for punishment… or possibly a sado-masochist?!

Who knows. What I do know is that it was difficult enough to get everything done that *I* had to do when we were on the road. Keeping track of everyone else’s schedules and appointments is nearly impossible. And now that I’m home, that hasn’t changed. My time is spent on building my business so that I won’t have to go back on the road. And the fact that my household members are still procrastinating is wearing me out, pissing me off, and costing me time on getting my own stuff accomplished.

And if you’re thinking what several others have said to me…”Stop concerning yourself with their stuff and let them not get it done cause they’re only hurting themselves.” WRONG!

I only get frustrated by the things that, while technically aren’t mine, will affect MY business, MY finances, MY time frames, or MY health when they DON’T get done!

Dirty dishesPutting off the dishes for as long as possible isn’t gonna make or break my day… not any more. When they run out of dishes or don’t have room to cook, it’ll get done. But what if things get left on the patio long enough that the landlord starts leaving notes on the door to clean it up or pay a fine?  NOW you’re affecting more than just you.

Yes, YOU can pay the fine. But that still affects the household finances because that money could have been used for something more important. An, if done often enough that the landlord gives up on thinking you’ll ever get it done, it can affect whether your family has a roof over their head!

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a procrastinator too. I put things off when I’m tired, and sometimes I just put them off because. But I’ve learned to stop doing that with the more important things that matter. And certainly with the things that are going to matter to other people!

Take Personal Responsibility

The difference between myself and my housemates is that I’ve taken personal responsibility for the fact that I do procrastinate and I’ve learned to work around it. And you know what? That sometimes means that I’m going to have to inconvenience myself NOW in order to keep from inconveniencing myself or someone else later.

So, I’m offering this advice to those who ARE procrastinators, in spite of the fact that you didn’t ask for it… cause that’s just what I do. 🙂

Admit it. Come to terms with the fact that that’s what you are. Then DEAL WITH IT so that others don’t have to!

Now vs LaterHere are some ideas:

1. You can still wait till later to get things done. But whenever you’re asking yourself, “Should I do it right now or can I do it later?” , follow it up with “If I put it off till later, will it affect more than just me?”. If the answer is yes, get up and get it done now. Just be sure to be honest with yourself about who it may affect besides yourself… and not just right this second, but later as well.

2. When something comes to mind that you remember you have to take care of, either get it done right then or, if you don’t have time (and not having time applies only when you’re in the middle of important stuff… and no, video games and movies do NOT classify as important stuff!), then write it down on a list posted in a conspicuous place that you walk by regularly, or type it into your cell phone as a calendar item with a reminder that will pop up later and remind you to do it!

3. Hire someone that you can call when you think about something that’s gotta get done and pay them to do it!

4. Don’t commit to things that you’re going to get done for someone else “later”. It goes back to admitting that you’re a procrastinator. Don’t volunteer your time or say yes to doing something when you know that the mere fact that you’re IN this category won’t allow you to do ANYTHING but let down the person who asked you to do it!!

And by the way….when you DO let someone down because you procrastinated on something that ends up affecting someone other than just you…SAY YOUR SORRY!!

Your turn:  Are you a procrastinator or do you know someone who is? Is it an annoyance for you or do you just ignore it? I’d love to hear if you have other work around ideas! And feel free to sound off if you don’t agree! 🙂

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  1. I procrastinate in cycles. Right now I am in a procrastination cycle. I am working on a website for my dad and he keeps bugging me about it – annoying as it is, it is my fault and I need to just get on with it! Gonna do it today after reading this 😉
    Ruth recently posted..Do You Create More Than You Consume?My Profile

    1. 30 vlogs and you take a break. No way girl! LOL I’ve left things like that before and then it’s tough to not feel like THEY are imposing on OUR time. That’s when it’s time to do what you’re saying… get it done so you can clear your head and go back to work. Good luck on that one! 🙂
      Deb recently posted..The Other Side of Multi-TaskingMy Profile

  2. Sometimes it’s just better to say NO even if you have good intentions at the time you say YES.

    As a procrastinator, you of all people should realize how you are and there are limitations to what you’re willing and able to do.

    Just because you say you can, doesn’t mean you have the time to do it. Most times, that’s how procrastination starts – you take on more than any human can possibly hope to finish in this lifetime.

    Give yourself a break and release yourself from the everyday bondage you shackle yourself with. Say NO, mean NO, and stick to it!
    Bonnie Gean recently posted..How to Add a Footer Menu to Your BlogMy Profile

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