Pick a Site…Any Site?

Yesterday I decided to change direction a little on whether to use Traffic F.U.E.L. with a new website or with one of my existing sites. I’ll walk you thru some of my thought process.

When I first took a look at the domains I have, I had decided to use an old domain name (no content on it) and build from the ground up until it becomes an authority site.  Once that decision was made, I started checking out keywords so I’d have a good idea about where to start.

Now, I’m rethinking that idea and here’s why. I remembered reading Tiffany’s blog when she was talking about only building sites that you’re passionate about. When I initially started reading about Tiffany’s websites, like her toilet seat covers and her shower curtains sites, one of my biggest concerns was that I was going to bore myself right out of business in a hurry.

I loved the fact that I had finally found someone who could, and actually WOULD, show me how to “properly” build an SEO optimized site. But one thing I’ve learned about myself over the years is that I have a REALLY hard time sticking with one subject for a long period of time. In spite of these facts, I was going to start building them anyway because I don’t like having a job working for someone else either!

You just can’t imagine the kind of happy dance I was doing the day I read Tiffany’s suggestion about building passionate sites! 🙂

For my IM business in general, my primary short-term goal is to consistently earn enough money to take care of what I call the “have tos”, and I expect to do that fairly quickly. Accomplishing that will allow me to focus full time on my business.

I know that MyFavoritePLR site is going to be a big part of that goal, so time to build that site is at the top of my TO DO list. Another goal I sort of touched on is to be passionate about the sites I build…either something I love, something I’d like to learn about, or something that would be useful for me to find out more about. I can’t interact with people who follow me if I don’t care about what the topic of the site is to begin with. There’s no way to connect with something like that.

So, back to my initial decision. The new site would let me interact with my readers. The main focus would be on teaching people what it takes to gain financial freedom (up to 7-figures or more if that’s their goal) as well as personal freedom. There are plenty of different but related topics that I know I wouldn’t get bored. The downside is that it would be a new site. That means setup, lots of initial content, more backlinking…lots of things that take time away from focusing on other sites that I’m already building or am ready to build.

So I did some more thinking (yes, my head’s about to explode). Finally, I think I’ve got it. I’m fairly sure that I’ve found a way to still have what I envisioned (planned out)…AND accomplish what I want to do with my existing projects, and all without adding another site.

I’m going to use my blog (yes, this one). Most of the topics that I wanted to begin with on the new site are relevant to my blog anyway and I don’t have much traffic yet since it’s fairly new itself. I can definitely get to know who my readers are. And, it will free up the time that I would have been investing into a new site so that I can actually build my PLR store.

I had originally ruled out starting with this one because I wanted to see if just posting regularly would increase traffic as Tiff says her blog has done. But then I got thinking…just because it DID build traffic over time, what’s wrong with speeding up the process. From what I understand, if I can get Google to like THIS blog, they’ll start sending their bots more often and I’ll be able to get their attention for other sites more quickly!

So, ready or not, here I go…


  1. Hey Debi,

    I think that’s a great idea!

    I’m the same way you are – short attention span and can’t see myself continuing on in niches that bore me. I’ve let several go recently because I just can’t and don’t want to pay them the attention they need.

    Some of them were sites that I started to try out a new technique(s) and I don’t consider the time spent as wasted, but rather as educational.

    I’m still on the fence about buying F.U.E.L. I’ve resisted so far. 🙂 I’d really like to see your results.


    1. Peggy,

      There are SO many things that interest me…I just want to work on them all! However, with the time constraints I have at the moment, I’m having to “force” myself to stay focused on getting one puzzle done before opening another one ya know? So if I MUST focus, then I’m going to focus on the one that’s going to do the most good AND allow me to cover whatever topics I like for the day. 🙂

      Will let you know on the F.U.E.L. for sure. Tiffany’s doing it too (hence the Case Study Group), but as always, she’s getting things done a lot faster than the rest of the group, so you may wanna keep an eye on her blog for her updates too. Right now I’m ready to get content up (the blog should be the easier of the two I’m focusing on….the other is my A100k site that I have all my keywords together for), and I know a couple of really great places to get Content ;P so it should go a bit faster than my keyword research.

      Will have to PM you or something over at your blog and find out what sort of stuff you do now to get traffic and such. 🙂

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