Easy WordPress Security Fix

As an ex-computer programmer, I know oh too well the importance of getting things set up in a secure fashion. But when I first got my own computer at home, I wasn’t always so diligent about it. I just didn’t see my personal stuff as something that required the type of protection that Caterpillar Tractor was using.

Well, now I’m working on building a business for myself…online. And there are people I’m learning from who have had their sites hacked (and in turn their income and livelihood put in jeopardy) so I know it’s something I’ve gotta learn to do whether I’m liking all the techie stuff that’s involved or not.

Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t suddenly become a WordPress expert, nor do I wanna be. I’ll leave that in the hands of people like Leslie. I signed up for her WordPress 101 Coaching class months ago so I can make sure my sites are set up right and as secure as possible. She uses video for those who like to see the walkthru of exactly how to do things too!

There’s still a lot more information for me to learn, but the basic setup lets me sleep at night for now and I refer back to her whenever I have questions about something. I like working with her because she knows her stuff and, even better…she’s a VERY patient teacher! 🙂

Anyway, I digress.

The other day I got an email from Kimberly Castleberry that said “Kick The “admin” To The Curb!”. She had posted on her blog the step-by-step details (including screenshots for those of us who are visual) of how to quickly change your “admin” login to a more secure login. So why would I need something like this if I’m going thru Leslie’s course to set my sites up the right way from the beginning?

Because I have sites that I had already set up before I met Leslie and I’m still learning!

I haven’t yet gone thru my class info to know exactly how to make changes to EXISTING sites. And to be honest, with my time so limited at the moment I just can’t afford to screw something up and take my site down. God forbid I mess up something and then not be able to get back to it for a few days or even a week! And yet I know that doing nothing is leaving me open to someone else taking my site down for good!

This is why I loved Kimberly’s post. It was something I could do to deter the idiots out there who have nothing better to do with their time without jeopardizing my entire site due to my ignorance.

Anyway, thought I’d share what these two people have to offer. I figure I can’t possibly be the only one out there in this situation so… If it assists ONE person, it was worth the time to post!



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