Branding: An Ongoing Saga

Am I the only one who’s still figuring out who she is in this big world of Internet Marketing? I feel like the whole “who exactly am I” is taking forever!

It’s not that I don’t know what my strengths & weaknesses are.

  • I’m honest – to a point sometimes that drives my friends crazy.
  • I’m intuitive  – it used to scare me, but I’ve learned to embrace the fact that I pick up on who people “truly” are really fast.
  • I’m a big kid – yes, I have as much fun in Toys ‘R’ Us now as I did when my son was 2, and if I don’t know what something’s called, I just make up words to describe them (I’ll have to explain the whole “Tron Monster/Big Creepy” thing sometime).
  • I’m aware – there’s a ton of things that go on in life that people don’t see, even if it’s right under their noses, and they’re actually shocked when they realize what they’ve been missing.
  • I’m a teacher – not in the “I have students” sense, but in the sense that if people don’t know something that I do and they ask me about it, I’m willing to take the time and explain it in 10 different ways if that’s what it takes for them to “get it”.  I hate it when I don’t know something and the only people I can find are those who can only explain it one way…and in a way that I still can’t understand.

So, so far all I know is that I’m a HIBAT…how awesome. Maybe I can put that at the top of my website and just let people guess what it means! LOL

The issue for me is how do I turn what I know about me into a coherent brand? A way to express what it is I am, what I do, what I stand for…something that shouts “THIS IS ME!” Maybe I don’t need to shout at all. Maybe as I keep moving forward with what I’m doing it will start getting clearer to me (and anyone who might be willing to read what I have to say).

In the meantime, I’ll keep moving forward…keep thinking it thru…keep doing the steps that the likes of Tiffany and Peggy and Ruth offer so that I can follow in their footsteps…and I’ll get there!

Until then…

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