9/11 Tributes…Never Forget!

We don’t have cable because we don’t watch a lot of TV in our house so any tributes we’re seeing this weekend are coming to our home via the internet.  That choice was made long before 9/11.

My son was 15 that year. I had friends who knew our TV was never on, so one of them called me at 6:15am to tell me to turn it on.  Like so many others, my son and I were glued to the TV in shock, anger, & tears for that day & several that followed.  The horror of watching terrorism unfold in our own backyard was unlike I’d ever seen.  At that moment, I had a glimpse into what it must have felt like when previous generations learned about the attack on Pearl Harbor –  it’s just that we got this tragedy in full color.

I remember hearing about threats of attacks on other places & my son asking to stay home from school that week just in case. Fear was put into our children that day…a fear that was even more real to them than The Cold War was to those of us who grew up having bomb drills.

I remember how quiet the skies became as flights were grounded for days…and how my heart jumped the first day I heard a plane in the sky again passing overhead.

I’m thankful for those who went to fight for our safety and I pray for those families who have lost loved ones that day and since in the fight on terrorism. I pray that the military families who have loved ones still over there fighting, get the news that they’re coming home soon…in one piece, both physically and mentally.

I’m angry at those in our government who have used that day to play on our fears as an excuse to take away our freedoms in the name of safety they’re not truly able to provide.  I’m both angry and saddened by those who decided that there was “no room” in NYC tributes for many of the First Responders who are now sick & dying for their bravery & williness to respond without being asked.

I know that as Americans, our lives were changed that day.  My question is, what happened to the flags people started flying?  What happened to the government’s promise to take care of the First Defenders and their families who sacrificed their loved ones and their health that day?

We should never forget what we lost that day…otherwise “they” win…

Here’s one of I’m sure hundreds or thousands who won’t forget:


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