

I’m certainly not an expert when it comes to all the tools and software that it takes to run an online business. I’ve had to learn as I go.

However, there ARE things that I’ve learned to do, so I’m creating tutorials for how to use them (at least the parts that I know and use). I’m sharing them here so that someone might get past at least a few hurdles just a bit faster than I did.

Of course they also come in handy for those things that you don’t use often enough that you forget. Learning is tough enough sometimes. Having to re-learn something you spent hours learning the first time should be a crime! 🙂

I hope you find them useful. Enjoy… and feel free to share them.


Creating “pretty” links in Aweber broadcast messages
Sending test messages to yourself
How to send the same message to a segment of a different list


NOTE:  If you ever have questions about something I cover here, please feel free to send them to me. I’ll be more than happy to answer what I can. And if I don’t know, chances are I know some really great people who do!