I don’t know how anyone else feels about it, but I am absolutely appalled at what today’s media gets away with. NBC’s censored our Olympics this year. Fox news and an MSNBC are as far from unbiased as you can be and now, in light of one of the worst tragedies we’ve had this year, CNN has joined the mix of those who report news without gathering all the facts. And the reason for it? Ratings. Really?
Prime examples? The media is reporting that the Connecticut shooter had autism and or Aspergers disease. They don’t seem to care that not a single doctor has come forward to say that the boy was ever diagnosed with either. Not to mention the “experts” they’re interviewing are telling them that even if that’s what he had, he’d be LESS likely to hurt someone than you or I! I’ve listened to several reports where as soon as the reporter doesn’t get the answer they wanted for their story, they suddenly have to go and thank the expert for their time.
I’m sure the parents of autistic children are thrilled to have their children’s disease associated with this shooting… as if they don’t spend enough time already working on overcoming the misconceptions that already abound!
Now (and this one is NOT just the media but people in general), they’re treating the mother of the shooter as a criminal rather than a victim. They’re making the assumption that because she left her home for two days, that she was irresponsible. First, for leaving a (yet to be proven) son with problems at home alone and second, they’re assuming that she left her weapons unlocked and accessible.
She may have. But so far the police haven’t said for sure one way or the other whether her weapons accessible or locked away. And even if they were, she is still a victim. We’ve all made mistakes as a parent and, while the end result was more horrific than a trip to the doctor with the broken arm of an unattended child, the woman was murdered by her own son for this mistake which again, we have yet to prove that she made.
And in regards to the “vacation” they’re talking about. They make it sound like she jumped on a plane for the Bahamas with no regard to where her son was. She drove FOUR hours from her home for a TWO day trip… something that neighbors said she’s done before… and without any problem!
I doubt very seriously that she saw this coming any more than anyone else did!
So, that’s what set me off this week to start with. I have NO issues with people who speak their mind about things they know to be true, but you have to know what you’re talking about! So what sparked this post?
Between the media and then the fact that Tiffany Dow mentioned that people were sending her notes that John Chow might not be the most trusted person to follow, it made me start thinking about how we handle our businesses.
When you hear something about a person, or a business, how do you deal with it? Do you take it at face value? Do you go to the source and ask if it’s true? Or do you withhold judgment until you’ve had a chance to interact with that person or business and make a decision for yourself?
I’ve done all three as a person throughout my life. But, since becoming a business owner, I’ve learned how fast people can damage your reputation by simply believing (and then telling others about) something that started out as a rumor.
Tiffany Dow is a prime example of rumors starting that simply aren’t true or even ACTUAL things happening that aren’t indicative of the type of person or marketer that she is. I mentioned in a comment on her blog this week in regards to a discussion about John Chow, that this year alone she lost her YouTube account and was banned from the Warrior Forum for two weeks due to TOS violations.
Now, for those of us that know, love, and follow Tiff, we’re very well aware of what happened and why, and that NONE of it was due to the fact that she might be a scumbag marketer! And that’s a fact in spite of what Jim believes about Warriors. 😉
But what about people that haven’t met her yet? What if someone who is new to Internet marketing (or even someone who has been around for a while but who hasn’t met Tiffany yet hears about any of those things? What if they ran across just a quick blurb from someone who said, “Oh, I heard she got her YouTube account shut down so you better avoid her!”
First of all, it would hurt Tiffany’s reputation in that person’s eyes. More importantly, it could cost a new person an opportunity to learn from someone who’s awesome at what she does. It’s really tough to find ethical marketers like Tiffany. It would suck for someone to lose access to her simply because someone threw a fact out there without the knowledge behind why it happened.
The media, in their usual half-assed way of reporting, are hurting a lot of innocent groups. They don’t care because their goal is ratings… But at what cost?
My question is:
What kind of marketer have you been? And, more importantly, what kind of marketer are you going to be? Will you be the one that investigates negative rumors before you pass judgment and make a decision about a fellow marketer? Will you pass on information without knowing the full story and risk hurting someone. Or will you think about what you heard and either investigate before passing it on or keep it to yourself?
I guess part of that answer might come from answering this question… What would you want other marketers to do if the comment or rumor was about you or YOUR business?
Looking forward to hearing your responses.
Until then….
Hi Debi,
It was actually through Tiff’s blog that I reached your site 🙂
I agree totally with what you’re saying about the media wanting to dramatize stories rather than doing the difficult work of actually finding out the truth.
Sadly it seems like most people these days want to be TOLD how to think and feel, rather than making their own minds up.
And you’re right, this does translate to everything in business. Relationships are everything in marketing and if you don’t have the trust factor, you’re finished.![My Profile](http://debij.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/commentluv-premium/images/littleheart.gif)
Karen recently posted..Tutorial: How to find expired domains with pagerank
I’m glad you stopped by. NBS, my son and I get frustrated regularly watching how so many “sheeple” just ebb and flow with whatever the media reports, and without a single question.![My Profile](http://debij.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/commentluv-premium/images/littleheartplus.gif)
debij recently posted..Know What You’re Talking About Or Don’t Pass It On
Thanks Debi! I was so glad you pointed that out to me about the YT ban, WF ban etc. Does make me sound bad! LOL! It’s just that I’m a rebel 😉
But on the shooting thing – yes, it’s bothering me too. My friend has a son with Aspergers and she’s now afraid he’ll be targeted.
On the Mom, I do feel she’s a victim but I do feel that IF it turns out that she did feel he was troubled, then her guns should have been locked out of his way. But we don’t know for a fact yet.
Lately I keep hearing that 80s song Dirty Laundry in my head when I watch the news.![My Profile](http://debij.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/commentluv-premium/images/littleheart.gif)
Tiffany Dow recently posted..Pat Flynn’s Not Afraid
LOL…Dirty Laundry… So true! And on the mom, I ABSOLUTELY agree with you on that. It just makes me so mad because, everywhere that they’ve had memorials, from the school to the Angels on the Hill, they only memorialize 26, not 27. And when I think back to when we were kids, no one ever locked up their hunting rifles OR ammo. Were we more mentally stable back then? I doubt it. Just lived in a world that moved a little slower, had parents that were truly involved in our lives, and not as many chemicals in our food. Okay, that’s all a rant for another day. 🙂![My Profile](http://debij.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/commentluv-premium/images/littleheartplus.gif)
debij recently posted..Know What You’re Talking About Or Don’t Pass It On
I know what you’re saying Debi, but I can’t be held accountable for someone else’s actions – I can only pull the roots from my side of the fence.
It will take more than one person to change how the world thinks and sadly, that won’t happen overnight.![My Profile](http://debij.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/commentluv-premium/images/littleheart.gif)
Bonnie Gean recently posted..Video Sunday – Episode #2
True. But unless you SEE weeds in your neighbor’s yard or he tells you he has weeds somewhere, there’s no need to tell the other neighbors that he has any! 🙂
Merry Christmas Miss Bonnie!!![My Profile](http://debij.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/commentluv-premium/images/littleheartplus.gif)
debij recently posted..Know What You’re Talking About Or Don’t Pass It On
Spot on. From my own observances of today’s media, they spout out what amounts to their opinion of what is happening, rather that reporting on the news. I personally attempt to communicate with a business owner rather that believe what others opinions are.![My Profile](http://debij.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/commentluv-premium/images/littleheartplus.gif)
![I clicked the google button when I commented](http://debij.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/commentluv-premium/images/google.png)
Paul recently posted..Electrical Contractors Will Save You Cash
I do the same. The scariest thing to me is the number of people nowadays who simply don’t question ANYthing they hear. :/![My Profile](http://debij.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/commentluv-premium/images/littleheartplus.gif)
debij recently posted..Do You Settle or Keep Moving? – Vlog Challenge Day 4
I’ve been getting so mad about these autism rumors. My brother was telling me that almost all of the autistic kids in his school haven’t been back since the shooting because their parents have been getting threats. People think they are dangerous. The media is hurting people, not helping when they say things like that.
Not to mention there were several news stations that posted up the wrong name and/or picture of the shooter at first, ruining people’s jobs and lives! Get your facts straight before you start stating things as facts. That’s supposed to be a reporter’s job.![My Profile](http://debij.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/commentluv-premium/images/littleheart.gif)
Amanda Thomas recently posted..Will You Meet Your 2013 Goals?
I’m sorry to hear about the kids that have become targets. It’s completely irresponsible. The press thinks because they start with “We heard but haven’t yet confirmed…” that it’s ok to spout whatever they want. They KNOW that people have selective hearing and it’s sad for the number of people who now have to worry about their kids, just because so many morons missed the psychiatrist being interviewed who stated that studies show autistic kids are LESS likely to be violent than the rest of us!!
And it happens here in our businesses too. Rumors about marketers. Misleading information about different business models and what works or what doesn’t. Makes me want to scream.![My Profile](http://debij.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/commentluv-premium/images/littleheartplus.gif)
debij recently posted..I Want Your Organizing Ideas… Please 🙂